Data-driven tools enable solar irrigation companies in three sub-Saharan African countries to target their products and services to the right farmers in the right way, boosting technology uptake and promoting gender equality
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CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems. 2021. Data-driven tools enable solar irrigation companies in three sub-Saharan African countries to target their products and services to the right farmers in the right way, boosting technology uptake and promoting gender equality. Reported in Water, Land and Ecosystems Annual Report 2021. Outcome Impact Case Report.
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Data-driven tools developed by WLE/IWMI are enabling private sector solar-powered irrigation companies in sub-Saharan Africa to determine and capitalize on the market potential for their irrigation equipment and services. By segmenting customer groups and assessing customers’ creditworthiness in gender-sensitive ways, companies are better able to target a range of farmers, including women. This is helping to accelerate the adoption of solar-powered irrigation technologies in frontier markets while promoting women’s equitable participation in irrigated agricultural value chains.