Amazon region: eco-efficient landscapes
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Fonte SJ, González A, Graefe S, Guimaraes E, Perpétuo MG, Jarvis A, Lavelle P, Lundy M, Peters M, Quintero M, Rao I, Tapascco J, Etter A, Martínez C, Murgueitio RE, Reis CJ, Rodríguez CA. 2013. Amazon region: eco-efficient landscapes. CIAT Strategy in Action No. 2 (abridged version). Cali, Colombia: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT).
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The Amazon Basin is so diverse that one could say many Amazons exist, not just one. Indeed, its diversity is considered unique in the world. Although the Basin occupies 7% of the planet’s land, it carries 25% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. The region is so vast, it represents one-third of South America’s land surface. It covers, or partly covers, nine countries: Colombia (36% of the land area), Venezuela and Guyana (6% each), Suriname and French Guiana (almost 100% each), Brazil (60%), Bolivia and Peru (75% together), and Ecuador (45%).
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Mark Lundy
Michael Peters
Idupulapati M. Rao