CGIAR Initiative on Livestock and Climate
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LCSR aims to directly enable 600,000 producers (at least 40% women) in nine countries to better prepare for and manage uncertain futures by improving security of access to resources and adopting management practices that enhance their climate-related adaptive capacities (livestock assets) while ensuring household equity and reducing GHGe intensities.
Part of the CGIAR Action Area on Resilient Agrifood Systems
Part of the CGIAR Action Area on Resilient Agrifood Systems
Primary CGIAR impact area: Climate adaptation and mitigation
Recent Submissions
Item Livestock as a Climate Solution at COP29(Report, 2024-12-30) Cramer, Laura; Flintan, Fiona E.Item The Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) data of 54,873 farm households in 35 countries(Dataset, 2024-12-23) Gorman, Léo; Hammond, James; Frelat, Romain; Caulfield, Mark; van Wijk, MarkHere we release the Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) dataset, derived from the open-source RHoMIS toolkit. RHoMIS is designed to simplify the collection, analysis, and dissemination of interoperable data from farm-household surveys. This release harmonizes 54,873 household observations spanning 35 countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia into a single dataset, collected between 2015 and 2023. The data supports the investigation of system dynamics relating to food production, food security, and pathways out of poverty for smallholder farmers. This dataset is an update and revision of the previous RHoMIS dataset, published in 2020. In this new release we present a database quadruple the size, with observations of 54,873 households from 35 countries and 119 unique projects, collected from 2015 until 2023. These data are accompanied with radically improved analytical routines to process the data and calculate common performance indicators. We report 1599 variables and 41 farm household level indicators, as well as crop-level information (production, area planted, use of the produce, and sale value). We also report gendered decision-making information over the consumption of produced foodstuffs and over the incomes derived from on- and off-farm activitiesItem Global updated rangeland ecosystem climate change projections through 2050, using evaluated parameters and CMIP6 climate forecasts(Brief, 2024-12-26) Hussein, Jaabir; Thornton, Philip K.; Sircely, JasonClimate change in rangelands creates uncertainty that hinders the long-term direction of research, land management, agricultural production and policy formulation. The updated rangeland ecosystem projections under climate change use the most recent global climate forecasts (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project CMIP6) with evaluated model parameters for the G-Range global rangeland simulation model to project how rangeland ecosystems may change through 2050. The spatial dataset produced includes several fundamental attributes of rangeland ecosystems, specifically net primary productivity, soil carbon, cover of grass, shrubs, trees and bare soil, and root:shoot ratio on a decadal basis. G-Range was driven by climate inputs produced using MarkSimGCM, specifically CMIP6 from 2001 to 2050, and historical data from 2001 to 2020. These outputs are used as inputs to other models and analyses, or for national to global scale estimates of rangeland ecosystem status, structure and function under climate change, with significant implications for research, land management, agricultural production and policy formulation and implementation.Item Livestock and Climate Change: Outlook for a more sustainable and equitable future(Report, 2024-12-25) Thornton, Philip K.; Wollenberg, Eva K.; Cramer, LauraThe livestock sector will need to simultaneously meet future consumer demand while supporting net zero targets by 2050, survive increasing frequency and severity of climate change hazards, and achieve outcomes for water, biodiversity, social resilience and economic development. 2. Climate change therefore requires a new trajectory for the development of the livestock sector. The economic role of livestock may shift significantly, and we need to anticipate a just transition of livestock farmers to other livelihood activities. 3. Trends in livestock demand and supply under climate change are likely to become more uncertain and equity and productivity gaps are likely to intensify in the coming decades. Although industrialised systems can better invest in the feed and adaptations and mitigation measures needed under climate change than smallholders’ systems, livestock are critical for smallholders’ livelihoods and food security, and we need to anticipate the wider range of interventions that may be needed to increase resilience in such systems. 4. Future livestock and climate development needs to be planned and implemented in a cross-sectoral way. The multi-dimensional importance of livestock to the livelihoods of at least 1.3 billion people globally has not yet been reflected in development or climate assistance, research focus or the data landscape. 5. Under climate change, there are no one-size-fits-all policy and technological responses, nor are there any silver bullets. There are multiple, often competing discourses around the climate-livestock-livelihood nexus and responses need to be appropriate for local contexts while contributing to national and global targets. 6. Many management options are available to help livestock farmers in lower-income countries adapt to climate change, including diversification of livestock species and breeds; integration of livestock with forestry, crop and aquaculture production; improving livestock diets; modifying animal health and heat stress management strategies; and changing the timing and location of farm operations. 7. Institutional, policy and technological opportunities for increasing livestock farmers’ adaptive capacity include preserving livestock mobility traditions in pastoral lands; assistance with destocking and restocking before and after drought; developing new product markets to satisfy consumer demand; promoting wider use of index-based insurance products and other risk transfer mechanisms; and enhancing farmers’ effective use of extension information using social media and digital platforms. 8. The viability of options to adapt and increase adaptive capacity is highly dependent on local contexts that are often characterized by capital, land and labour constraints and limited accessibility and knowledge. And in the face of longer-term climate change, the limits to the effectiveness of such options are often unknown. 9. Additional management options are available to help livestock farmers in lower-income countries mitigate greenhouse gas emissions or sequester carbon, including intensified production with fewer animal numbers, managing herd composition, shifting to lower-emission types of livestock, silvopastoralism, grassland restoration, avoided burning of grasslands, and low-emission breed selection. Along the supply chain, more efficient and renewable energy in the cold chain is a major option for mitigation. While additional measures such as feed additives, manure management or alternative proteins also can reduce methane, these technologies are not yet available, affordable or relevant to many lower-income farmers. Vaccines and manipulation of the rumen microbiome are promising technologies for the future.Item Global updated rangeland ecosystem climate change projections through 2050, using evaluated parameters and CMIP6 climate forecasts(Brief, 2024-12-29) Hussein, Jason; Thornton, Philip K.Climate change in rangelands creates uncertainty that hinders the long-term direction of research, land management, agricultural production and policy formulation. The updated rangeland ecosystem projections under climate change use the most recent global climate forecasts (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project CMIP6) with evaluated model parameters for the G-Range global rangeland simulation model to project how rangeland ecosystems may change through 2050. The spatial dataset produced includes several fundamental attributes of rangeland ecosystems, specifically net primary productivity, soil carbon, cover of grass, shrubs, trees and bare soil, and root:shoot ratio on a decadal basis. G-Range was driven by climate inputs produced using MarkSimGCM, specifically CMIP6 from 2001 to 2050, and historical data from 2001 to 2020. These outputs are used as inputs to other models and analyses, or for national to global scale estimates of rangeland ecosystem status, structure and function under climate change, with significant implications for research, land management, agricultural production and policy formulation and implementation.Item Expanding the use and impact of the CLEANED tool for assessing environmental impact assessments of livestock enterprises(Brief, 2024-12-30) Notenbaert, An Maria Omer; van der Hoek, Rein; Mwema, Emmanuel; González, Ricardo; Cardoso, Juan AndrésCLEANED, an acronym for Comprehensive Livestock Environmental Assessment for improved Nutrition, a secured Environment and sustainable Development along livestock value chains, is a multi-dimensional modelling tool designed to produce rapid environmental impact assessments in mixed crop-livestock farming systems in developing countries. The use of CLEANED has been expanded and further developed under the Initiative on Livestock and Climate through three pathways. In Pathway 1, training events and workshops were conducted to teach new users how to use it effectively. In Pathway 2, more assessments were conducted using the tool to promote wider uptake in specific countries. In Pathway 3, the tool has been updated and improved.Item Scaling resilience through use of co-designed radio programs in Baringo County, Kenya(Brief, 2024-12-01) Bullock, Renee; Majiwa, Hamilton; Saalu, Faith; Mundia, Julius; Mugi, Reginah; Ojulong, Henry; Mutai, Samuel; Peter, Akeno; Kukat, Lilian; Aturoit, Irene; Mossop, John; Kanyakera, JacobIn the arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya, livestock keeping has been a cornerstone of livelihoods for centuries and, while it continues to be relevant, in recent decades landscape changes and climate related shocks and stresses are compounding increasing pressures in most livestock dependent households and communities. As the incidence of droughts and uncertain rain increases, finding pasture and water has become more difficult. Subsequently rates of food insecurity and precarity are rising. Pastoralists and agro-pastoralists are seeking knowledge on climate adaptation and are implementing innovative practices to better cope with changing realities that shape many aspects of their daily life. Diversification into food and crop production is one option that can support increased resilience to climate shocks. While maize is a commonly grown crop across Kenya, farmers in drylands often encounter challenges during production, primarily stemming from poor harvests caused by the crop’s vulnerability to harsh climatic conditions, leading to crop failure. On the other hand, drought tolerant crops (DTCs) perform well under low rainfall conditions and support livelihoods in many arid and semi-arid locations, as experience in lower eastern counties has shown. Widely considered to be “women’s” crops, DTCs such as sorghum and millet often rely disproportionately on women’s labor inputs. Women are typically responsible for most stages of their production including planting, weeding, harvesting and postharvest management, such as threshing, winnowing and storage. However, decision-making about production — including consumption and selling — may not always be in the hands of women. Men assume control over harvests and this decision-making power can increase with commercialization of these crops. Efforts to address these inequitable relations and behaviors include socio-technical bundling that combines technical information about climate smartItem Dataset for Tier 1 and 2 methodologies for estimating intake and enteric methane emission factors from smallholder cattle systems in Africa: A case study from Ethiopia(Dataset, 2024-12-24) Balcha, Endale; Ndung'u, Phyllis Wanjungu; Getahun, Daniel; Graham, Michael; Marquardt, Svenja; Mulat, Daniel Girma; Merbold, Lutz; Wilkes, Andreas; Worku, Tigist; Gakige, Jesse; Arndt, ClaudiaThese datasets include enteric methane emission factors derived using the Common Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (‘CSIRO’) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Tier 2 methods. The activity data collected includes the live weight (LW) measurements of cattle in 113 smallholder farms from different agro-ecological zones collected between February 2020 to January 2021 i.e., five LW measurements at months 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, live weight change for different periods, body condition scoring and physiological status referred here as "Activity data". The animal performance data together with feed quality data were used to predict the energy requirements of the animals. The animals were grouped by age and sex; adult females (>3 years), adult males (intact and castrates) (> 3 years), heifers (1-3 years), young Males (1-3years), and calves (both sexes, <1year). Estimation of daily methane production (DMP) conducted by programming the equations for ‘CSIRO’ and IPCC Tier 2 methods in Microsoft Excel. The estimations for individuals were made on a seasonal basis. The weighted average of seasonal DMPs was multiplied by 365 to obtain the annual emission factor of enteric methane production. Feed basket and digestibility calculated_NorthShewa_Ethiopia_2020 to 2021contain information on feedstuffs available and their contribution to feed baskets per agroecological zones in North Shewa. It also shows the average dry matter digestibility for each season. Milk quality data North Shewa_Ethiopia_2020 to 2021 contains information on seasonal milk quality of milk analyzed on pooled milk samples at the household level. Milk yield data North Shewa_Ethiopia_2010 to 2021 contains information on the daily milk yield of lactating cows recorded by farmers on a daily basis. Supplementary material North Shewa Ethiopia contains results in tabular form and figures to support the justification of findings. Table S1: Seasonal mean live weights change (LWC, g/day) of different classes of cattle: (females, males (intact and castrates), heifers, young males, and calves) from two agro-ecological zones (AEZ) of North Shewa zone, Ethiopia; Table S2: Net energy requirement (MJ/head/day) of different classes of cattle from IPCC Tier 2 methodology in the North Shewa zone, Ethiopia; Table S3: Maintenance energy requirement (MJ/head/day) of the different classes of cattle from ‘CSIRO’ Tier 2 methodology in the North Shewa zone, Ethiopia; Figure S1-S6: Plot of live weight versus emission factors for different cattle sub-categories for ‘CSIRO’ and IPCC Tier 2 methodologies.Item Supporting collaborative action for sustainable solutions: Locally-led adaptation as a policy instrument for climate change adaptation practices(Brief, 2024-12-30) Habermann, Birgit; Crane, Todd A.The urgency of developing climate change adaptation practices that work for smallholder farmers and herders has never been greater. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and other key climate change organizations highlight the importance of research and development for locally-led adaptation (LLA) and transdisciplinary collaboration. Such an approach to adaptation promises to find climate solutions that are effective in smallholder producers’ complex environmental and socioeconomic realities and support producers as agents of change. The urgency for innovative extension and scaling pathways is compounded by the widespread degradation in African public agricultural extension services. However, despite the urgency and the widespread interest, there are few established methodologies designed to support policymakers to engage with LLA through transdisciplinary collaboration in a robust, coherent and consistent way that considers climate justice and inclusiveness. This calls for innovative toolItem Reducing the environmental footprint of livestock production(Brief, 2024-12-24) Frija, Aymen; Notenbaert, An Maria Omer; Yigezu, Yigezu Atnafe; Alary, Veronique; Mannai, AmaiLivestock production takes up approximately 77% of the world’s agricultural land, or about 3.4 billion hectares, primarily for feed production. This extensive land use represents a significant opportunity cost, as it could otherwise be used to conserve biodiversity, such as wetlands and forests, produce cash and food crops or sequester carbon. Current use limits the potential for preserving different biomes and enhancing biodiversity, leading to land degradation due to overgrazing and poor nutrient or fertilizer management. Additionally, livestock production is water-intensive and a major source of water pollution caused by run-off from fertilizers, pesticides and animal waste. As a result, livestock is considered a significant contributor to global environmental degradation, impacting climate change, land and soil health, water resources and biodiversity and altering the nutrient cycles to the detriment of ecosystem wealth at the landscape level. Livestock farming poses significant environmental challenges, creating negative feedback loops with climate change that affect mitigation and adaptation efforts. Overgrazing damages the land, leading to poor soil quality and reduced productivity (Asner et al. 2004), while pasture expansion contributes to deforestation, destroying habitats and exacerbating climate change (Pendrill et al. 2019). Recent estimates suggest that livestock production accounts for approximately 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions, a reduction from previous estimates of 14.5% (Poore and Nemecek 2018). In 2015, livestock agri-food systems emitted around 6 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent, with projections indicating that emissions could rise to nearly 9 billion tonnes by 2050 without significant interventions (FAO 2023). Agriculture contributes 40% of the global human-caused methane emissions, of which the largest part (32%) comes from manure and enteric fermentation from livestock (CCAC and UNEP 2021). Due to population and income growth, the demand for livestock is expected to increase by up to 70% by 2050 (Ranganathan 2018), which, unabated, will increase methane emissions proportionally. This environmental footprint creates negative feedback loops with climate change, affecting mitigation and adaptation efforts. Deteriorating environmental health increases the vulnerability of livestock production and societies to climate change, limiting adaptation options and reducing overall productivity, which further drives up greenhouse gas emission intensities. As global demand for animal products rises, the environmental footprint of livestock is expected to grow, worsening these challenges. Reducing the environmental footprint of livestock production is critical to achieving global climate goals and mitigating the severe impacts of climate change and for maintaining the livelihoods of 1.7 billion people and 60% of rural households in developing countries. To address these challengeItem CIRNA project inception meetings held in Uganda and Kenya(Blog Post, 2024-12-22) Wanyama, Ibrahim; Leitner, Sonja; Slater, AnnabelThis blog post summarizes the inception meetings held for the CIRNA project at national and district level in Kenya and Uganda.Item Policy and institutions needed to transform livestock systems under climate change(Brief, 2024-12-22) Burkart, Stefan; Sandoval, Danny FernandesDespite global efforts to combat environmental degradation, the livestock sector remains a significant contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, biodiversity loss, deforestation and ecosystem contamination (Alkemade et al. 2012; Grossi et al. 2019; Fuentes et al. 2019; Česonienė et al. 2019; Mora et al. 2017). While international frameworks such as the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals and national strategies like Nationally Determined Contributions, National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans, National Adaptation Plans and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions aim to address these issues, the adoption of sustainable practices and technologies in the agriculture and livestock sectors has been slow. Though well-intentioned, current policies often lack specific indicators and fail to create the conditions for large-scale implementation of sustainable solutions. Macro-level factors such as weak political will, fragmented stakeholder coordination and inconsistent policy continuity impede the development of effective frameworks tailored to the unique needs of each nation. A more cohesive and targeted approach is needed to address these challenges, emphasizing political commitment, multi-sector collaboration and investments in scalable technologies. Sustainable transformation in the livestock sector is critical to reducing GHG emissions and advancing global environmental goals. Against this background and based on research conducted under the CGIAR Livestock and Climate Initiative, this brief provides a comprehensive overview of what an enabling environment might look like to transform livestock systems under climate change and how policy analysis could contribute to its development.Item Machine learning based gridded/ digital soil mapping for Kapiti Research Station and Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya(Poster, 2024-11-29) Cherotich, Fredah; Leitner, Sonja; Pearce, F.; Rufino, Mariana C.; Quinton, J.; Dhulipala, Ram; Salavati, M.; Gluecks, Ilona V.; Whitbread, Anthony M.; Paliwal, AmbicaItem Climate, conflict and security in global livestock systems(Brief, 2024-12-26) Synnestvedt, Thea; Maviza, Gracsious; Pacillo, GraziaThe livestock sector is critical in sustaining livelihoods. It contributes to food security and supports economies worldwide. Livestock systems are vital sources of livelihood and income, food and nutrition and cultural identity for millions of people. However, these systems are increasingly under threat from the intertwined challenges of climate change impacts, conflict and insecurity. As the climate crisis intensifies, its impacts are felt acutely in the agricultural sector, with livestock systems being particularly vulnerable due to their dependency on climate-sensitive resources such as water and pasture. Climate security is concerned about how climate change-related risks and vulnerabilities compound existing risks and vulnerabilities in communities and with what impacts peace and security. Notably, climate change has observable negative impacts on economies, populations and resource availability and access, which may lead to displacement, making it a risk multiplier of vulnerabilities and social tensions within communities. Livestock systems are deeply intertwined with climate security, as they are both contributors and victims of climate change. The relationship between climate security and livestock systems is complex and often cyclical. On one hand, climate change poses significant threats to the viability of livestock systems, while on the other hand, livestock systems contribute to climate change through greenhouse gas emissions and environmental degradation. This creates a feedback loop where livestock production exacerbates climate change, which then further stresses livestock systems, potentially leading to conflict and insecurity. Thus, climate change worsens ecological stressors, such as droughts, floods and desertification, which in turn fuel competition for scarce resources. This competition often leads to conflicts, especially in regions where governance is weak and traditional mechanisms for resource-sharing are eroding. These conflicts not only disrupt livestock production but also threaten broader societal stability, as they can lead to displacement, loss of livelihoods and heightened food insecurity.Item Using participatory processes in Senegal, Guatemala and Kenya to develop gender-sensitive climate information services(Brief, 2024-12-21) Vyas, Shalika; Giraldo Mendez, DianaThe digital divide is a significant barrier to providing effective CIS. In Kenya, it is estimated that 30% of rural livestock farmers lack the digital literacy needed to access or understand climate advisories. People in rural areas in Guatemala show similar low digital literacy levels, often falling below 40% literacy in using digital tools for agriculture, especially in marginalized Indigenous communities. For women, the challenge is even greater, and in Senegal, they are 25% less likely to have access to mobile phones, limiting their ability to receive crucial climate information. Another barrier is trust. Climate information needs to come from sources that farmers trust—like the local radio, community elders, or fellow farmers— not only meteorological agencies. It is not just a matter of disseminating accurate information; it’s about ensuring that the information is provided in a way that resonates with both men and women farmers. The Livestock and Climate Initiative tackled these challenges by bringing together national meteorological services, socially inclusive CIS, and local knowledge systems. Based on evidence of how best to help farmers, the Initiative is transforming how livestock producers receive and use climate information. We are building partnerships, translating science into actionable advisories using local knowledge and ensuring that even the most marginalized communities can understand and respond to climate risks facing their livestock. This Brief documents the pathways taken to reach our outcomes.Item Socially inclusive and equitable approaches for resilient livestock systems(Brief, 2024-12-23) Bullock, Renee; DuttaGupta, Tanaya; Triana-Angel, NataliaUnequal social relations and differentiation can exacerbate livestock farmers’ vulnerabilities to climate change and influence their adaptation capabilities and coping responses to climate change and other shocks. Social dynamics and relations influence and shape how climate impacts are experienced and adaptation opportunities and resilience. Unequal power relations are reproduced and reinforced through adaptation processes. Women, men, youth and marginalized social groups obtain differential access to essential resources that underpin resilience (e.g. services, knowledge and capital). Context-specific factors that significantly influence these processes include geography and rurality, livestock systems, mobility, ethnicity and conflict. Current and relevant context-specific evidence about vulnerabilities and capacities is needed urgently to inform interventions and activities that will support equitable adaptation to enhance resilience.Item Influencing the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change(Brief, 2024-12-25) Cramer, Laura K.; Njuguna, Lucy; Arango, JacoboThe United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental treaty aimed at combating climate change. Adopted in 1992 during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, it sets out a framework for international efforts to address the issue of global warming and its impacts. To do this, the UNFCCC fosters international collaboration on various efforts, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing adaptation to experienced and anticipated climate risks, and mobilizing support required for climate action. Under the auspices of the UNFCCC, stakeholders come together at the annual Conference of Parties (COP) and Subsidiary Bodies sessions to deliberate and agree on a way forward on specific issues, particularly on how to operationalize decisions. In this regard, it is crucial to ensure that the priorities and concerns of people in specific contexts are represented in these discussions. The Initiative has therefore focused on documenting how actions to achieve sustainable livestock production can lead to adaptation (building climate resilience and supporting food security and livelihoods) and mitigation (boosting low- emission development). This brief describes the Initiative’s engagement with UNFCCC followed four pathways: (1) influencing the content of the Adaptation Gap Report; (2) participating in the production of the IPCC’sSixth Assessment Report; (3) informing UNFCCC COP negotiations and building the capacity of negotiators in livestock issues; and (4) presenting livestock and climate at successive COPs.Item Developing a digital climate-linked credit risk scoring tool for micro-finance institutions and livestock owners in Kenya and Guatemala(Brief, 2024-12-20) Vyas, Shalika; Giraldo Mendez, DianaThe Livestock and Climate Initiative focuses on improving climate risk management for livestock producers. Using targeted action research, Initiative scientists are creating ‘investable’ solutions to attract finance for livestock owners exposed to increasing climate variability and hazards, such as drought and heat stress. Under Work Package 2, our implementing partner, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, worked with microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Kenya and Guatemala to develop innovative, climate-linked credit risk scoring tools that are now facilitating access to credit for dairy farmers and pastoralists. The approach differed slightly, but both countries’ digitally enabled decision support tools have created socially inclusive financial products that embrace climate risk dimensions. This brief describes the different pathways taken to reach our outcomes.Item Government of Tanzania uptake joint village land use planning: tool to secure shared grazing lands across administrative borders in pastoral areas(Brief, 2024-12-27) Flintan, Fiona E.; Deus, Kalenzi; Olesikilal, BirikaaPastoralists have poor tenure security and are often excluded from land-related decision- making processes. They are poorly equipped to protect their lands from sale or encroachment. Land use planning that maintains the integrity of the pastoral system and the rangelands on which pastoralism depends is highly complex. Developing appropriate approaches for land use planning has proved challenging for many local and national governments. Where they have been developed, implementation of VLUPs has also often been restricted due to limited funding, skills and capacities. Since 2010, the Sustainable Rangeland Management Project achieved significant progress in village land use planning. This was led by the International Land Coalition and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), with technical support from ILRI, including strengthening tools such as Participatory Rangeland Resource Mapping. A 2021 report on lessons learned from the SRMP highlighted the need for a concerted effort to include less visible groups, such as women and if JVLUP was to be scaled up, to improve the enabling environment. In 2022, the Livestock and Climate Initiative took up JVLUP to strengthen and scale it.Item A manual on DynModE in GAMS: an environmental extension to DynMod(Manual, 2024-12) Punt, Cecilia; Bahta, Sirak T.; Maruta, Admasu, Asfaw; Enahoro, Dolapo K.; Gonzalez, Ricardo; Notenbaert, An Maria Omer; Baltenweck, Isabelle; Flintan, Fiona E.